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The accident which in so unforseen a manner interrupted the final game between the "Peachblows" and the CRIMSONS was extremely unfortunate. The postponement of the game is of little consequence in comparison with so painful a catastrophe. We trust, however, that the game may be speedily played off, as it promises to be the most exciting and closely contested of the whole series. Both nines yesterday were well settled to their work, and were fairly matched. We need not comment upon the plucky game which our representatives were playing, but desire to express our confidence in the result. We trust that another year will again see the CRIMSON triumphant. The steadiest play is called for in a contest against so powerful and well organized a nine as the "Peachblows," but the victory, if attained, will only reflect the more credit. The opponents of the CRIMSONS have proved themselves to be hard hitters and sharp fielders, but they will, we feel confident, be compelled to exercise their utmost skill and ingenuity to defeat the champions, if such a possibility may be attained.
