
Fact and Rumor.

The eighty-six members of the nine practice this morning, the rest this afternoon.

Lunch will be served at Memorial from 12 to 1 sharp. a standing supper will be served in the evening from 5 to 6.

The runs to have taken place yesterday were postponed on account of the rain. Baker and Wells will try to break the records some day next week.

The ninth number of the Advocate will not be delivered till Saturday morning. Subscribers can get copies to-day at Sever's.

The following have been elected officers of the Signet for the ensuing year: president, P. L. Sternbergh; secretary, F. E. E. Hamilton; treasurer, P. S. Rust; librarian, J. B. Blake.


The make-up of the nine in to-morrow's game will be as follows: Nichols, P.; Allen, c.; Smith, 1b.; Edgerly, 2b.: Wiestling, s.s.; Phillips, 3b.; Foster, 1. f.; Willard, c. f.; Henshaw, r.f.

The following prizes have been awarded from the gift of John O. Sargent for medical version of the second epode of Horace: To Charles Isham, A. B., of the graduate department, a prize of fifty dollars. To Thomas Buford Metepard, special student, a prize of twenty five dollars. To Robert Cameron Rogers, A. B., Yale College, special student in Law School, a prize of twenty-five dollars. Judges: Prof. Greenough, Prof. J. B. Thayer, and T. W. Higginson, Esq.

The Class Day number of the Lampoon is the best that has appeared this year. There are two full page designs, one by Messrs. Hight, Dike and Santayana, and the other by Mr. Stewart. Apart from the grinds on the CRIMSON we can conscientiously recommend it to our readers as a cure for every kind of ill caused to-day by melancholy - or lobster salad.

The following is the batting average of the nine in the championship games played thus far:

A. B. 1B. Average.

Henshaw, 34 16 .470

Smith, 34 15 .441

>Willard. 33 14 .424

Phillips, 36 15 .416

Wiestling, 34 11 .323
