

NOTICE TO SENIORS. The class orders have come and are ready for delivery. Payment must be made on delivery.

C. L. HARRISON.HASTY PUDDING CLUB. The "Strawberry Night" theatricals will be given in the old rooms on Thursday, June 24, at 8 p.m.

R. F. FISKE, Sec'y.SENIOR CLASS. Rehearsal of Class Song to-night at 7.15 in Boylston Hall. The chorister hopes that every man who possibly can, will turn out and try to make the song a success.

Juniors who have accepted the position of ushers are requested to meet in Sanders Theatre at 10 o'clock Class Day morning.

J. LINZEE SNELLING,Chief Junior Usher.HARVARD LACROSSE TEAM, The lacrosse team is still considerably in debt. It is absolutely necessary that a large amount of this should be paid off before July 1st. All unpaid subscriptions should be settled now. Any one who will forward his subscription will be conferring a great personal favor to me in doing so.


L. McK. GARRISON,23 Holyoke.
