

BICYCLE CLUB. There will be a meeting this evening, at 7.30, at 4 Thayer, for the election of officers for the ensuing year.

E. H. ROGERS, Capt.SENIOR CLASS. The last two rehearsals of the Class Song will be held tonight and to-morrow at 7.15 in Boylston Hall. Not more than twenty-five men attended either of the first two. The chorister earnestly wishes that a larger number may be present at the remaining rehearsals. To be sure the song may be considered rather a minor feature, vet if it deserves a place on the programme at all, it deserves to be done well. In order to prevent it from being utterly flat, it is necessary that it should be sung, and not merely played by the band with the accompaniment of a few feeble croaks by the class, and in order to be sung, it must be rehearsed. Half an hour just after dinner is not a severe tax upon any one's time, and every man who can sing at all ought, for the sake of the class, to be present these two evenings.

B. C. HENRY, Class Chorister.
