To-day the freshman crew leaves for New London, and with them go the hopes and wishes, not only of their classmates, but of the whole university. The race this year will be doubly interesting and exciting from the fact that Yale will be represented in the same race with Harvard and Columbia. Judging from the accounts that have reached Cambridge, the crews seem to be as evenly matched as possible, and victory will come to the crew which shows the greatest pluck and endurance. The Yale freshmen are considered this year to have the best eight that has been at New Haven for years, and for this very reason they asked to be admitted into the contest. The Columbia freshmen have been at work on the Thames for three weeks. We are sure that the crew will do all in their power to add another laurel to the list of victories achieved this year by '89 over Yale. Now a word to the class. There are several members who have not yet paid up their subscriptions, which it is absolutely necessary for them to do, as the crew needs all the financial support it can get. Let them look to this immediately.
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