
The New Gymnasium at Yale.

The need of a new gymnasium has been sadly felt for the last few years by the various athletic teams of Yale. Plans have been made for a new and elegant gymnasium, and a subscription list has been circulated among the alumni. It is estimated that the cost of the proposed building will be about one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. As only a few thousand dollars have as yet been subscribed, it will probably be two or three years before the new gymnasium will be erected. The Yale News gives the following plan of the new gymnasium:

The building will have a frontage of eighty feet on Elm street, and will extend on High street to a depth of one hundred and twenty five feet. If the subscriptions warrant, it will be built of rough brown stone with trimmings of a lighter material, and will have three stories and a basement.

The basement will contain the bath rooms, dressing-rooms, the hydraulic machines, bowling alleys, sleeping apartments for the janitor, and a large swimming tank, in dimensions forty-seven by twenty-four feet. There is also room on this floor for about two hundred and fifty lockers, in the event of their being needed.

The first floor will contain a room for trophies, two rooms which will be devoted to the use of the different athletic organizations, a room for boxing, and the room of the medical attendant. Here also is where the majority of the lockers will be placed, space for about fourteen hundred being provided. Of course, at first all these will not be constructed, but as the wants of the students demand them, they will be put up. On this floor there are also the two vestibules and entrance halls, one on Elm street and one on High.

In the top story will be the base-ball cage, which will be ninety-seven by twenty-eight feet. The cage will be lighted from above and from the sides. The space on either side of the cage for about twelve feet will be devoted to a shaft for transmitting the light to the main exercise hall and to the cage. This is regarded as one of the distinctive features of the lighting arrangements, for while other gymnasiums are lighted by the side windows only, the new gymnasium will have both the side light and the light from the roof.


The second floor is devoted entirely to an exercise hall, and will be 121 ft. long, and 76 ft. wide. Here will be all the apparatus for exercise, and no pains will be spared to make the appointments of the room as complete as possible. This floor is lighted from the side windows, and also by a shaft from the roof. About ten or twelve feet above the main exercise hall, is suspended the running track, which arrangement will obviate the necessity of having the track in the main hall and will thus allow so much more space for apparatus. On a level with the running track will be the visitors gallery.
