

BICYCLE CLUB. The club will be photographed to-day at 1.30 at Library.

E. H. ROGERS.CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY BULLETIN: To all students: The list of text-books to be used in the various courses next year is being made up, but it will not be complete before July 1. All who intend to make use of the Society next year are urged to send a special order for the books to be used in their courses before leaving for the summer.

As far as the instructors shall give information regarding the books to be used, all books, whether foreign or not, will be ready at the Co-operative store at the opening of business in September; provided the Society receives orders for books to be imported before July 15, and for other books be. September 1.

The Society will have for this coming year, the best of facilities for procuring both foreign and American books, with out any other than accidental delay. Let all send in their orders at once. If a student finds, after the arrival of his books that he must change a course elected, he will be reasonably sure of disposing of his books to some other member by notifying the Society early. But the Society accepts no risks whatever in such cases.
