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We publish in another column a letter from a member of the faculty concerning the question of order in the yard, which ought now to occupy the mind of every student. The present state of affairs cannot continue. The building of surreptitious bon-fires at hours when none but the perpetrators can enjoy the noble sport, is conduct which is certainly worthy of the highest commendation and admiration, but it must necessarily fail to meet the craving of the college at large for an opportunity to relieve the excited emotions. Therefore, as a method of celebration, it may be safely considered henceforth as somewhat unsatisfactory. By all that marks a Harvard student as a gentleman, we call on the would be incendiaries to desist from such puerile extravagances as the bonfire last built in front of University. If something must be burned, let the burning be, at least, outside of the yard. No one can surely defend a practice which has been repeatedly declared not only dangerous to the safety of college property, but also ruinous to the insurance value of the buildings. Common sense is of value, even during moments of great enthusiasm.
