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At the Yale exhibition game a full three-quarters of the reserved seats were unoccupied. As the number of reserved seats, or rather seats with backs, increases, the matter should be so regulated that all which are not needed shall not be reserved. In common justice to the students, who should be regarded as much as outsiders, the best seats should not be monopolized.

There is another matter that needs the attention of the students, and that is the way in which the cheering has been conducted in the last few games. Passing over the great mistake which has been made in the quickness with which the "rah's" are delivered, we come to the weakness and irregularity of the cheers themselves. Reserved seats sold to students should be sold all in one part of the field, that those who wish to cheer may have an opportunity to do so. Some one in authority ought to take charge of this matter and let the cheering hereafter be slow, uniform, and conducted with snap and decision.
