EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Up to eight o'clock last night, only twenty names had been signed to accompany the freshman nine to New Haven Saturday. It seems a great pity that more interest is not taken in this matter. The nine certainly cannot feel at all sanguine when so little interest is taken in the games they play, especially when they receive little or no support from the members of the class. When the Yale nine came up here, fully seventy-five men accompanied them, and they certainly found it more difficult to leave college than our men will, since they have but six cuts a term and for every absence from a recitation they receive a mark of zero. Why does not eighty-nine show some enthusiasm in this matter and encourage their nine to repeat the success they met with four weeks ago? Let every man in the freshman class who can possibly leave college, go and do his share towards aiding the nine to win the game, and keep the Yale freshmen off their much coveted "fence."
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