On Saturday evening, May 1, delegates from Yale, Princeton, Wesleyan, and the University of Pennsylvania met in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, to arrange for the inter-collegiate foot-ball contest next fall. There were present Messrs. Brooks and Keyes from Harvard, DeCamp, Savage and Bradford from Princeton, Peters and Corwin from Yale, and two representatives each from Wesleyan and the University of Pennsylvania.
The chair was occupied by Mr. DeCamp. The first business before the meeting was the admission of new members to the Association. On motion of Captain Brooks, seconded by Peters of Yale, Harvard was re-admitted to the Inter-collegiate Foot-Ball Association. Two slight changes were made in the rules. The opposing centre rush cannot touch the ball until it is put in motion. By the insertion of the words "or a place kick," rule 32 is made to read as follows: "A kick-out must be either a drop-kick, or a place-kick." After some other unimportant business, the convention adjourned until early next fall, when a meeting will be held to arrange the dates for the matches.
Next week, there will be a meeting here of the candidates for the eleven. It is hoped that a large number of candidates will present themselves. All who intend to try for the team are earnestly requested to be present. With the material which Harvard possesses, there is every reason to believe that the eleven next fall will be a strong one, and the prospect is very encouraging, if the men who play will show interest and enthusiasm in the game. The date of the foot ball meeting will be announced early next week.
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