

No Headline

The eighty-seven board to day assumes control of the CRIMSON. Never has the outlook of any board been more favorable. The retiring board merit all praise for the successful manner in which they have fulfilled their work. The paper has steadily increased in circulation throughout the year, not only among the students, but also beyond the college. Yet, notwithstanding the success of the past year, we hope during the coming year to still further increase the usefulness of the CRIMSON. Mention has already been made that a daily communication with the college secretary has been established, and it is hoped that by this means the official news of the college will be furnished our readers more directly than has hitherto been possible. Our corps of correspondents has been selected with the greatest care, and our readers may be assured that their work will be well done. But, we wish to add that insoinsomuch as every student is naturally interested in having his daily paper as useful as possible, it is to be expected that any note of general interest will be sent to us through our drop-boxes.

A college daily paper is more or less personally related to every student and can therefore only hope to succeed in the degree to which it interests all. We will rely upon our readers for support, not only financially, but also from a literary point of view, and will hold our columns open to every writer upon any subject of college interest. We ask all to contribute, and trust that even more than in the past, the CRIMSON will each day express not only the happenings, but the thought of our college world. The freshmen are especially asked to write, as one freshman editorship is still open to competition.
