The Advocate is out to-day.
There will be no recitation in French 3 to-morrow or on Thursday next.
The final examination in Surveying 2 occurs next Thursday.
The Hasty Pudding initiation will take place on Tuesday evening.
Entries for the single scull championship may be left with any officer of the Boat Club.
Refreshments were handed round in N. H. 2 yesterday. The members indulged freely.
Graduates of the Roxbury Latin School will read with interest the notice in another column.
The Glee Club gave a very welcome and much enjoyed concert in the yard at a late hour last evening.
The date of the CRIMSON dinner has been changed. It will take place Monday, May 31st, instead of the day following.
There will be an hour examination on Fleury's Histoire de la Literature Francaise, in French III on Tuesday, June 1, at 9 o'clock.
At present the Yale freshman crew is made up as follows: Mosle, bow; Gill, No. 2; Wells, No. 3; Buchanan, No. 4; Wilcox. No. 5; Fanchot, No. 6; Carter, No. 7; and Stewart, stroke and captain. They average 21 years in age, 5 feet 10 inches in height, and 157 1-2 pounds in weight.
The Classical Club held its last meeting night before last. This ended a series of very enjoyable and highly profitable meetings.
Seniors who wish to substitute their commencement part for the forensic thesis and have not given notice of their wish at the office, are requested to do so immediately.
In the Swarthmore spring meeting on Saturday last, Halleck, '86 won the running high jump at 5 feet 11 inches. This is the highest jump that has been made in America with the exception of champion Page's.
Assistant Professor Bartlett will address the members of German I on the choice of electives for the coming year, next Thursday at 12. On this account the recitation at 9 o'clock will be omitted.
Read more in News
Gymnasium Contest at Yale.