FRESHMAN NINE. There will be an important meeting of the nine in Holyoke 16, at 7.30.
L. H. MORGAN.FRESHMAN NINE. Out on Jarvis at 3 p.m., to play St. Thomas Aquinas, at 4 p.m.
BICYCLE CLUB. The run and smoker will be to day, instead of Thursday, as was announced in yesterday's paper.
E. H. ROGERS, Capt.The '86 nine will practice on Jarvis at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
C. C. BURNETT, Capt.NOTICE. Seniors will be photographed in a group at 1.20 to-day, north of Memorial.
C. L. HARRISON.HASTY PUDDING CLUB A meeting of the club will be held this evening, in the New Rooms. A full attendance is absolutely necessary.
C. C. WHITMAN, Pres.
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