
Fact and Rumor.

Williams beat Brown yesterday. Score, 8 to 3.

An exhibition game with Yale will be played Saturday on Holmes Field.

The Glee Club and Brass Band will give a concert in the yard to night.

The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club will hold its annual open tournament on June 27.

It is not sufficiently generally known that the Yale freshman game was the "fence game."


The Orange Lawn Tennis Club will hold an open tournament June 16, at Mountain Station, N. J.

It is rumored that President Cleveland may attend our Commencement Exercises next month.

In the four championship games which the Harvard nine has played, it made 61 runs to its opponents' 9.

Much dissatisfaction is expressed throughout the class of '87 about the discontinuance of English 6 in the coming year.

The make-up examination for the mid-years in Chemistry I will be held after the finals at a date to be announced shortly.

The lectures at present in Physics C being a careful resume of the year's work, are of the utmost importance to members of the course.

The polls for election of the Yard Committee are open for the entire day in Sever Hall. There are to be 5 members from '86, 4 from '87, 3 from '88, and 2 from '89.

The annual strawberry night of the Signet will be on Tuesday, June 22nd. The officers of the evening will be, orator, P. L. Sternbergh; poet, F. E. E. Hamilton.

Snow, '88, who has won the spring tennis tournament, will not play P. S. Sears the college champion, as that championship will not be played for until next fall. The exhibition game yesterday, resulted as follows: Sears beat Snow, 6-3, 6-8 and 6-3.

The annual Signet base-ball game came off on the Common yesterday afternoon. The juniors inflicted an overwhelming defeat upon the seniors. Score - 42 to 5, Base hits - '87 Signet, 21 with a total of 28; '86 Signet, 9 with a total of 9. Errors - '87, 11; '86, 32.
