
Fact and Rumor.

Yale plays Amherst at Amherst today.

Dean will not ride in the games this afternoon.

Blue-books in Political Economy 1 must be handed in on Monday.

Our nine plays Princeton at Princeton, to day. Donovan umpires.

Yale will send over twenty men, including the tug of-war team, to the Mott Haven games.


And still they come. We are in receipt of another Literary Monthly from Amherst. Men of '86, see what you have done!

The problems given out in Mathematics 2 are not due until June 21st, in stead of June 2nd as previously announced.

The Metropolitan Amateur Lacrosse Association was formed last week by the principal lacrosse clubs of New York.

Some negro minstrels gave a concert in front of Matthews last night, which was enjoyed by a great number of students.

The standing of the classes in the base-ball games is as follows:

'86 won 2 lost 2.

'87 won 1 lost 1.

'88 won 2 lost 1.

'89 won 1 lost 2.

The New England Meteorological Society has posted notices asking for young men who wish to act as weather observers during the coming summer. This work is to be carried on through out New England in connection with the United States signal service.

We are in receipt of the first volume of the Phillips Exeter Literary Monthly. The aims of the publication are especially of a literary nature, and the first number contains some well written stories and some rather skillful poems. The typographical work in the volume is very attractive.

The following officers of the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association were elected at its meeting Thursday evening: President, H. E. Peabody, '87; recording secretary, H. D. Sleeper, '89; corresponding secretary, F. H. Means, '88; treasurer, W F. Brush, '88; librarian, F. D. Kalopothakes, '88.

Day before yesterday a cat created much excitement in N. H. 6. She escaped from durance vile in the biological laboratory of the Agassiz Museum, and in her fright jumped through a pane of glass, and fell from the window, which is in the fifth story, to the ground. She landed squarely on her feet and started off on a run, pursued by several men, but could not be caught.
