
Fact and Rumor.

Sophomore themes are due to-day.

The exhibition game with Princeton has been given up.

Copies of the CRIMSON are for sale at New Haven every day.

An important meeting of the Pudding will be held this evening.

Base-ball yesterday - Columbia, 3; Yale, 1. Williams, 2; Brown, 0.


The graduating class of Williams College will number about sixty this year.

The make-up examination in Political Economy 4 will probably occur June 23rd.

The next theme in English S is due next Wednesday. Subject: "Robert Browning."

The Baby Ansons play an exhibition game with the Oxfords at 10.30 to-day on Jarvis.

The make up examination for the mid-years in German A will be held on Friday, June 4 at 9.15 a.m. in Mass. 3.

The audience which listened to the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality concert last night, was as large as any which was present at the performance of the Greek play some years ago.

The Princeton Glee Club will give a concert in conjunction with the Columbia College Club on Saturday next.

Boston University will for the first time hold class day exercises this year. The ceremonies will be held on the private grounds of Ex-Gov. Claflin at Newton.

There should be a very large attendance at the mass-meeting this evening. The new reform is of the most important of all that the faculty have as yet granted us.

The tone of the Yale News is, when comparing Yale's nine to that of Harvard, not the most assuring. The News admits that the Harvard men are harder hitters than the Yale men, and betber base runners.

Our 'varsity lacrosse team played a very exciting and scientific game yesterday with Princeton. The score was, Harvard, 3; Princeton, 1. The goals were thrown for Harvard by Blodgett, Hood and Gardner.

The faculty has voted "to recommend to the Corporation that a course for undergraduates on the general principles of the Law. be established and placed in the college list, whenever in the opinion of the Corporation, the financial condition of the college shall warrant it."

The class championship will be shot for at Watertown, this afternoon. The teams are made up as follows, '86 allowing 12 points to '87, 20 to '88, and 24 to '89. Seniors: Slocum, Austin, Allen, Bradley. Juniors: Palmer, Coolidge, Austin, Mead. Sophomores: Carpenter, Clyde, Peirce and Overton. Freshmen, Grew, Perry, Walsh, and Green. Each man will shoot at 25 birds, 5 angles, 18 yards rise. Shooting will begin at 2 p. m. sharp. Silver cups will be awarded the winning team.
