



The "Amateur" series of championship games opened right merrily yesterday, when the CRIMSON set the ball rolling, and kept it rolling for nearly three hours. The game was between the "Bessies" and the CRIMSON nine, and so great was the interest in the result that nearly 100 men betook themselves to Jarvis to see the champion nine of last year score its first victory in the present series. The contest was so full of interesting features that it is impossible to record them all. Perhaps what called for most applause was the terrific hitting of the champions, and, next to that, the terrific fielding of their opponents. Towards the close of the game the Bessies released some of their regular players and availed themselves of professional talent, - but in vain. The following summary will give some idea of the work done. Several threatening letters received at this office will serve to explain the omission of the individual scores.

Innings. 1 2 3 4 5

CRIMSON, 11 3 13 8 6 - 41

Bessies, 1 0 3 8 2 - 14


Total hits - CRIMSON, 23 45; Bessies, 10 12. Two-base hits - CRIMSON, 2. Three-base hits - CRIMSON, 6; Bessies, 1. Home runs - CRIMSON, 2. First base on errors - CRIMSON, 18; Bessies, 8. Struck out - CRIMSON, 3; Bessies, 4. Total errors - CRIMSON, 11; Bessies, 29; Left on bases - CRIMSON, 6; Bessies, 3. Umpires - F. D. Fiske, '86; J. Austin, '88. Time - 2 h. 45 m.
