
The Amateur Championship.

The rules for the "Amateur Championship" series are as follows. Seven nines have entered, it is found necessary to avoid an excessive number of games by dividing the teams into groups of three, thus giving one nine a bye. The drawing resulted as follows: Group 1, Oxfords, Peachblows and Berries; Group 2, CRIMSONS, Bessies, and Butterfingers; a bye, Baby Ansons. This nine will play the winners in groups 1 and 2. The games will be called at 10.30 sharp, on Jarvis Field, Umpires will be chosen by the captains from members of the class or university nines. The dates have been arranged as follows, and any nine failing to appear, will forfeit the game to its opponents by a score of 9 to 0.

May 14, Bessies vs. CRIMSONS.

May 17, Oxfords vs. Berries.

May 18, CRIMSONS vs. Butterfingers.

May 19, Peachblows vs. Berries.


May 21, Bessies vs. Butterfingers.

May 24, Peachblows vs. Oxfords.
