
Overseers' Meeting.

An adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College was held yesterday at the treasurer's office. The meeting concurred with the president and fellows in their votes as follows: That five preachers to the university be annually appointed by the president and fellows, with the consent of the Board of Overseers, who, in conjunction with the Plummer professor of Christian morals, shall arrange and conduct the religious services of the university, and the following were appointed preachers for 1886 87: Rev. Edward Everett Hale. D. D.; Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D.; Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D.; Rev. Richard Montague, A. B.; Rev. George Angier Gordon, A. B.

The election of Rev. Francis Greenwood Peabody as Plummer professor of Christian morals was also concurred in.

The board adopted the following resolutions reported by the committee on entrance examinations, the elective system and voluntary attendance at recitations, submitted and discussed to some extent at a previous meeting:

1. That in the opinion of the Board of Overseers it is advisable to permit a scientific substitute, in accordance with the terms of this report, to be offered by applicants for admission to the college for either Greek or Latin, one of these two languages always being required, and provision being made for elementary instruction in Greek and Latin, as elective in the college courses.

II. That in the opinion of the Board of Overseers, in addition to the present requisitions for admittance to the department of history, a proper knowledge of the outlines of universal history and of the history of the United States should also be required.


III. That in the opinion of the Board of Overseers, a more constant attendance at recitations should be required, and such attendance should be more stringently enforced than is now the case.

IV. That in the opinion of the Board of Overseers, a more careful attention should by given by the faculty to the administration of the elective system, and that a more careful supervision should be exercised by the faculty, through committees, or in such other way as may seem best, over the choice of studies made by the students, and over the results of such choice as shown by the daily work of the undergraduates.
