Among the later volumes in the American Commonwealth series, is a work by one of our most energetic and capable instructors, Dr. Royce, which has never received due notice in our columns. We refer to his book entitled "California," a careful account of the author's mother state, which gives in short space a very clear and adequate idea of the history of California during the most interesting period of its growth, the years from 1846 to 1856. Dr. Royce first gives an outline of the earlier history of the state, and then tells of the American as its conqueror, and how his conquest was completed and supplemented in the ensuing struggle for good government and order. The last two chapters treat of the social evolution in San Francisco and the history of California's land troubles and politics. The whole book is exceedingly interesting and entertaining, and is printed in neat form. Especially noticeable to Harvard men is the pleasant way in which the logical mind of the author has stamped its imprint throughout the book in the orderly arrangement of every chapter and paragraph.
California, by Joseph Royce, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. 1886.
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