
H. A. A.


Yesterday afternoon a fair sized audience gathered on Holmes Field to witness the class sports. There was a slight wind blowing up the back stretch. Not enough, however, to make it other than a good day for racing. Two intercollegiate records were broken. Chamberlain, '86, put the shot 40 ft, 1 1-2 in.; the previous record being 37 ft. 10 in. Bemis, '87, walked two miles in 15 m. 10 1-2 sec. breaking the previous record of 15 m. 46 3-5 sec.

The first event was an exhibition; the 420 yds. hurdle race. Noble, '88 ran it in 18 3 4 sec.

Special 210 yds. dash. Fiske, '86; Wells, '86; Rogers, '87; Baker, '86. The object of this race was to break the amateur record. Baker, the winner, just equalled the record, 11 1-2 sec. Wells was second by about a yard.

'88. 440 yds. run. Dana, Cogswell. Won by Cogswell in 55 sec.

'86. 1 2 mile run. Holt, Wheeler. Won by Wheeler in 2 m. 8 3-5 sec.


'87. Mile run. Dudley ran alone in 4 m. 53 sec.

'89. 100 yds. dash. Mandell, Merrill. Close race, won by Mandell in 10 3-4 sec.

'86. 100 yds. dash. Fiske, Baker. Won by Baker in 10 1-2 sec.

'86. Putting the shot. Clark, Chamberlain. Chamberlain broke the record three times, his best throw being 40 ft. 1 1-2 in. This breaks the intercollegiate record of 37 ft. 10 in. Harvard should feel sure of this event in New York.

'88. Putting the shot. Garrison, Gibson. Won by Gibson.

220 yds dash. Wells, '88 ran beautifully, but owing to a mistake his time was not taken. This is much to be regretted as he certainly ran in fast time.

'86. Broad jump. Bradley, Smith. Won by Smith with a jump of 20 ft. 2 1-2 in.

'88. Broad jump. Brewer, Lund. Won by Lund, who jumped 19 ft. 5 in.

'89. 220 yds. dash. Mandell, Merrill Merrill the winner in 25 sec.

'88 One half mile run. Cogswell, Dana. Won by Dana in 2 m. 7 3-5 sec.

'86. One mile run. Holt, Wheeler. Holt won in the very fast time of 4 m. 44 1-5 sec.

'86. Throwing the hammer, Chamberlain, Clark. Won by Chamberlain with a throw of 83 ft. 3 in.

'88. Throwing the hammer, Garrison, Gibson. Gibson won with 80 ft 9 in. to his credit.

Special two mile walk. Wright, '86; Bemis, '87; Norton '88; Zinkeisen, '89.

Bemis was the only one who walked the whole distance. He made the distance in 15 m. 10 1-2 sec., breaking the inter-collegiate record by 36 sec. The first mile was done in 7 m. 31 1-2 sec; the second in 7 m. 39 sec.

Referee, Mr. H. B. Cabot, L. S.; judge of walking, Mr. E. E. Merrill; timers, Mr. J. G. Lathrop, Mr. E. E. Merrill, Mr. W. A. Trask, L. S; starter, Mr. G. F. Davidson, L. S.
