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After a close and rather exciting election, a new management of the Dining Association has been chosen for the ensuing year. The retiring board of officers have, on the whole, made the association a decided success during the last year, but we think there is room for one great improvement. The fact can not be disputed that the luncheons are, as a rule, very poor. Now the price of board is very low, and we feel sure that a large majority of those who board at Memorial would be glad to have the price raised, if a better quality of food could be thus secured. The unusual spectacle of a contested election at Memorial shows that a large number of students desire an improvement. Would it not be well to raise the price of board by a sum not exceeding, let us say, twenty-five or thirty cents a week? The catalogue of the college assures us that board can be obtained at Memorial for $4.50 a week, and we fail to see why the price of board should be kept so far below this limit. We hope that the newly elected officers will consider our suggestion, for we think that the change we propose meets the approbation of a large number of members of the Dining Association.
