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We have one or two suggestions to make with regard to the "afternoons" at U. 5 in connection with an editorial of a day or two ago. It is indeed a fact that they are becoming very much overcrowded, and great inconvenience is caused by the long delay in getting admission to the "inner temple."

The first suggestion is to have the summons boy ragged up as a "buttons," from 3 1-2 to 5 p.m., so that each man could present his card to the official in charge as soon as he entered. In this way the cases of men on special probation could be given preference to those of intimidating freshmen. Another suggestion would be to have "checks," as in many tonsorial establishments. A man could go in at 3, take a check, see how many were ahead, and spend the intervening hour or so in profitable research at the library.

Even if neither of these plans could be adopted, there ought to be enough seats placed in the office for the tired students, - for most of us feel "tired" during our waiting at these, not exactly "kettle-drums," but drum head court martials.
