
Fact and Rumor.

Prof. J. W. White has returned to Cambridge.

"Dr." Pope's nine plays the 'varsity on Thursday.

The Brown team was defeated at Baltimore, Saturday, 24 to 3.

The reading of parts by students will soon be re-introduced in English 8.

The Beacons will play Dartmouth on the Boston grounds next Saturday.


The Beacon-Harvard games are arranged for May 5, June 2 and 17. - Herald.

Yale was beaten by the Athletics at Philadelphia, Saturday. Athletics, 11; Yale, 3.

The first team beat the second team 6 goals to 2 in the practice game of lacrosse on Saturday.

Smith College is to have an observatory, with a 4 inch meridian circle and an 11 inch equatorial.

The following men have been elected to the Delta Upsilon society: Harding, '86, Buckingham, '87, Haskell, '87, Tuttle, '87, Bingham, '87, Eldridge, '87, Bocher, '88, Bailey, '88, Mason, '88.

The disagreeable weather Saturday disappointed many who were anxious to see the 'varsity-freshman game. The season is so far advanced that the work of both teams is watched with keen interest.

All who remain in Cambridge during the recess may be seated with friends or at particular tables in the hall, by leaving their names with the auditor.

Mr. Clymer wishes to have stated that the sophomores who intend to write the double theme instead of themes X and XI, must send him the titles of their themes before April 12. This does not mean that the sophomores shall send only the notice of their intention to write the double theme, but must send the title also.

The freshmen at Rutgers Saturday, hired a band and had a parade in which the upperclassmen joined. They "groaned" the president and other members of the faculty, and made considerable disturbance. The cause for the outbreak is the action of the faculty concerning recent acts of vandalism in and about the buildings.

A certain member of the university being destitute of a subject for a descriptive theme wrote upon the subject "myself." He described himself as remarkable for his ruddy complexion, good dimples, and his ability to eat a yellow banana in four seconds and a red one in six. The instructor returned the theme with the following comment: "I should really like to see you!"

The Cambridge-Oxford boat race was rowed last Saturday. The race was close and exciting throughout, there being no open water between the boats during the contest. Cambridge won in 22 min. 9 1-2 sec., half a boat length ahead. The average weight of the Cambridge men was 170.9 pounds; of the Oxford crew, 171.3. The time was the slowest since 1877, as the race was rowed against strong head winds all the way. The record for the past eleven years is, Oxford, 7 races; Cambridge, 4; and one dead heat.

At the annual meeting of the New York State Inter-Collegiate Base-Ball Association the following were elected officers of the association for the coming year: President, J. C. Jones, Hobart; vice-president, R. A. Pattison, Hamilton; secretary and treasurer, H. H. Hawkins, Syracuse. Cornell was awarded the pennant and championship for last season. Rochester was expelled from the association, but has since been re-admitted. The colleges represented in the association are Cornell, Hamilton, Hobart, Syracuse, Rochester and Union.

It is reported that Yale has engaged a celebrated English coach for the 'varsity crew. The usual discouraging reports concerning the crew begin to appear.
