
The Harvard Advocate.

A CATALOGUE. 1866-1886.

Last December the editors of the Advocate voted: "That the President of the '86 board be authorized to prepare a catalogue of the past and present editors of the Advocate and to prefix to the catalogue a short history of the paper: that a copy of this catalogue be sent to each past editor of the paper." Of course the work of preparing the catalogue fell to Mr. T. T. Baldwin.

In a very neatly printed pamphlet of about twenty-five pages Mr. Baldwin gives information that must interest-not only all past and present editors of the paper, but members of the college generally, especially those who have been connected with the college papers or taken any part in the literary life of Harvard. "The first number of the Advocate," begins the history, "was issued May 1, 1866. From that time until the present, the paper has appeared fortnightly during the year. The Advocate was the first Harvard newspaper." Preceding the Advocate, however, had been other publications, the Lyceum, the Magazine, and a few more of very short lives. In 1866 the Collegian was founded, but lived only a few months. Its successor was the present "Advocate." The story of the past life of this paper is exceedingly well told, and, because all the Harvard papers have been in one way or another so closely related, it almost embodies a complete sketch of Harvard journalism. The catalogue, at the end of the pamphlet, is not only a list of the editors of the "Advocate," but contains lists of the dates, classes, college societies, and publications after graduation, which have reference to each member of the different boards. Thus, the catalogue possesses unusual value and interest. Certainly much credit is due to the editor for compiling a unique and at the same time interesting and valuable little book.
