This afternoon the freshman lacrosse twelve play their second game against the Everetts. The twelve did remarkably well in the game against the Cambridge juniors last Friday, and are to be congratulated upon the stand which they made against players so much more experienced in playing matches. But however much eighty-nine is to be congratulated upon the work of its twelve on Saturday, it should not rest satisfied until a team much stronger still is put in the field; one which will cast in the shade the work of any previous freshman twelve. This cannot be done unless more men go out and practice. As it is at present there are scarcely more candidates than there are places to be filled. Eighty-nine should wake up and furnish a dozen or so more men to learn this attractive game and thus properly strengthen the twelve, and also furnish useful training for men who wish to play foot-ball in the autumn. Lacrosse and foot ball go hand in hand in the style of play and faculties called into use. If Harvard men realized this and made the players of one game work into the other, as they do at Princeton, thus keeping their good men always active, we should soon see the beneficial results in more numerous victories every fall and continued success in the spring. Let eighty nine take a hand in pushing forward the good work of developing as much muscle and science for field sports as is possible.
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