EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Possibly many who have marked the change in the name of the Christian Brethren to the "Young Men's Christian Association" have not considered some of the grounds for this move. One of the strongest is the fact that to join the "Young Men's Christian Association" you must be a member of an evangelical church. So in future Unitarians are to be shut out of a society which they have long upheld. It is fairly evident then that the undergraduate clique of Presbyterians, Methodists, and Congregationalists has come to the belief that it is the "sole repository of pure truth." Such youths, it seems, are too good, or else too bigoted to mingle with heretical and wicked Unitarians. They hold that the aim of their organization is rather to foster sectarianism, than by a working union between all Christians in college, to spread unfeigned religious thought. They think that by snubbing some of their "Brethren," they will set before the rest of the world a fair pattern of the kindliness and brotherly love preached by Christ. This movement of exclusion, a bit of mediaeval intolerance must appear strange here in the most liberal university of America, - while Dr. Peabody, the patron saint of the Christian Brethren, still lives in our midst. In closing, it may not be out of place to quote from one whom Matthew Arnold calls "Henry More, that beautiful spirit." He writes thus: "A little religion may make a man schismatical, but a great deal will surely make a man decline division when things are tolerable." X.
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