

No Headline

The Society of Christian Brethren, which by the way was one of the four oldest societies of Harvard College, is "now a thing of the past." Founded in 1802. its life has extended over eighty-four years. This life was ended by the vote which we announced yesterday. In next year's Index will be found the list of some eighty or a hundred men, headed, not "The Christian Brethren," but "The Harvard Young Men's Christian Association." The change in name and in constitution has been made, we understand, after much consideration and debate. It is not for us to dispute the desirability of the change, for this was clearly enough proven by the fact of the almost unanimous vote cast in favor. Harvard has only followed the examples set by Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth, Yale, and indeed by almost all the New England colleges. To the society, as newly constituted, because it represents a by no means insignificant element of Harvard life and opinion, we cannot do better than extend our good wishes, This we do most cordially.
