
Overseers' Meeting.

A partial report on the religious needs of the college presented. No action as yet on the prayer petitions.

The Overseers held an adjourned meeting yesterday at 70 Water St., Hon. C. R. Codman presiding in the absence of President Hoar. The board voted to concur with the President and Fellows in appointing John Eliot Wolff, A. B., Instructor in Petrology for the year 1886-87, and Frank Lewis Van Cleef, A. B., Proctor for the current academic year; also to concur in electing William Gray, Henry J. Bigelow and Henry Lee Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts for one year from June 1, 1886. The committee on the requisites for admission to the college, the present elective system and the system of voluntary attendance at recitations presented its report by Mr. Lodge, a minority report being presented by Mr. Smith. The reports were accepted from the committee and the committee discharged. It was voted to lay both reports on the table pending their printing for the use of the board. The committee on the religious needs and interests of the college made a partial report by Mr. Lowell, offering the following resolutions:

1. That in the opinion of this board the Plummer Professorship should be filled at once, the statutes of the professorship being modified to meet the changes in the circumstances of the college which have occurred since they were passed in 1855.

2. That five clergymen should be annually appointed to take part in the religious exercises in Appleton Chapel and also in conducting the daily prayers.

The resolutions were adopted by the board. Resolutions were offered and adopted on the deaths of Messrs. Francis Edward Parker and Henry P. Kidder, expressive of the high appreciation in which those gentlemen were held by the board.

