The CRIMSON congratulates itself upon having initiated a custom which bids fair to become permanent. Last year the "amateur championship" in base-ball was instituted, and for the first time in the history of the college definite regulations were drawn up to govern the contest. Although the whole affair was started as an experiment, it met with marked success, and the Base-Ball Association has recognized the value of the training obtained, having modelled the series of this year upon the lines of that instituted by the CRIMSON last spring. The fact that such a contest was needed is shown pretty clearly by the entries in last year's series. Nearly a dozen nines competed in the series, and the games played were participated in by fully 100 men, - students, too, who would have obtained the excitement and sport in no other way, since they were men who had no places in either the 'varsity or class nines. Knowing, then, that the new custom is a good one, and that it will be productive of much benefit to the college, the CRIMSON offers the H. U. B. B. A. its congratulations on the new departure, and its best wishes for its success.
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