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The annual wail over the freshman nine has again come to us from Yale. The News says: "As the time approaches for the freshman ball game, it would seem that '89 ought to be putting forth her best efforts to beat Harvard, and win the fence. But we are sorry to find that this is far from the case. It hardly seems possible that the freshmen do not realize the necessity of good, earnest work, thorough training and enthusiasm. The Harvard nine will, without doubt, be one of the strongest their freshmen have ever put in the field. Their battery will be little inferior to that of the university team's, and a large number of men are trying for every place in the field, while all are in strict training." We do not doubt that our freshman nine will relish the interesting information about themselves which the News here gives, but we trust they will not put too much confidence in it. The experience of former freshman nines offers a dismal warning to '89, and we feel sure that nothing but the hardest work will enable the freshmen to defeat Yale.
