The Conference Committee met yesterday afternoon and held a session from four to six o'clock, Prof. Palmer in the chair. Messrs. Palmer, James, Shaler, Wendell and Croswell, were the members of the faculty present. Students present were from '86, Messrs. Houghton, Huddleston, Merriam, R. D. Smith, and Vogel; from '87, Messrs. Furber and Peabody; from '88, Mr. Lund; and from '89, Messrs. Trafford and Keyes. Messrs. Lloyd, '86, Hallowell, '88, and P. S. Abbott, '89, were in attendance by invitation.
The principle question before the meeting was, How to treat cribbing. Mr. Merriam's resolution that students. suspected of cribbing, be brought before a jury, composed in part of students, for trial, was carried. Vote: Affirm., 8; neg., 1. A proposal that the jury consist of 6 members each of faculty and students, and another for 3 members each were voted down. The resolutions, presented by Prof. Shaler, "That the Conference Committee recommends that students, hereafter suspected of cheating in college work, be tried by the Conference Committee, voting as usual, and, if adjudged guilty, be so reported to the faculty," was lost: Vote: Affirmative, 4; negative, 5. A motion to reconsider the first resolution passed, resulted in a vote: Affirmative, 5; negative, 5. The chair decided against reconsideration.
The resolution, offered by Mr. Lund, "That the faculty be recommended to pass a vote entrusting the maintenance of good order in the college grounds to the students for the remainder of the Academic year," was passed unanimously. The committee then adjourned without a day.
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