

No Headline

The Conference Committee met yesterday, and confered. The attendance was small, and the business transacted was of little importance, although subjects of deepest interest were brought up for discussion. The resolution regarding the maintenance of good order in the yard is the only thing that, as far as we can see, gives the meeting of yesterday any value. The subject of cribbing, as the votes given on our first page will show, was treated in a very unsatisfactory and unbusinesslike way. Such conduct of business hardly speaks for the dignity of the committee. It should be said that the progress of the meeting was much hindered by the many absences. As the conference does not meet often, it seems as if all who are connected with it, who have this, the only representative student body at Harvard in their care, might attend the meetings regularly. The conference committee has the best of reasons for existence, but we regret to say that its members, as a body, have not fully realized them.
