For sale. A 54-inch British Challenge, in good repair. All nickel! Apply at 28 Stoughton.
For sale. - A 52-inch bicycle by a member of H. B. C. The price is very small as a quick sale is desired. Apply for further particulars to the secretary of the club, 28 Hilton Block.
Tutoring in French A, French 1, and German A. Apply to G. Bradford, Jr., 8 Prescott Street, Cambridge.
Just received from England, 24 dozen assorted striped Flannel Caps, 475 yards striped Flannel, 350 yards French Flannel. I keep on hand the largest assortment of domestic Flannel. I am ready to take orders for Flannel Suits. Please call and examine. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
For Sale Cheap. - 2 Harvard Tricycles, English imported machines at a bar. gain. 2 Harvard Bicycle machines, 52 inch, at less than cost. 2 50 inch Harvard Bicycles. 2 48 inch Harvard Bicycles. 4 Harvard Safeties. All these machines are warranted best English make, and will be sold at less than cost price. Bicycle suits to order. J. W. Brine.
J. W. Brine, importer of English flannels, English cricket bats, ball leggings, etc. We have the largest line of English flannels ever shown. Lawn tennis suits and pants to order. Rowing jersey's and tights made to order by ourselves in three days notice. Our tennis jersey is claimed to be the best one in the market. 100 different spring styles of English mackintoshes with or without. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
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