

H. P. C. THEATRICALS. Tickets for the Boston performances of the H. P. C. theatricals will be on sale in 5 Little's Black, for principals in order of application on Tuesday, April 20, from 9.30 to 12; and for members of the chorus in order of application from 12 to 1 and from 2 to 6 on the same day. After that day the tickets will be on sale to the public generally. All tickets must be paid for when ordered.

M. M. KIMBALL, Manager.BOYLSTON PRIZE SPEAKING. Mr. Jones will meet all members of the two upper classes who desire to compete in the Boylston Prize Speaking in Holden, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at eleven. The first meeting will be on Thursday of this week. All who desire to compete are requested to be present.

CRICKET NOTICE. The practice grounds behind Divinity Hall are now open for use by members of the Cricket Association. Members of the University who are not members of the Association can join by applying to the secretary. Several matches have been arranged for the coming season. It is necessary that the men trying for the eleven should practice regularly and faithfully to insure success against the rival teams. Some of the old players will be on the ground daily at 4 p.m. to coach the new men.

H. L, CLARK, Pres.,H. P. MCKEAN, JR., Sec'y.,17 Kirkland Street.The captains of the various class teams are requested to meet at my rooms, 48 Brattle St., to-night, April 21.


