We print in another column the announcement of the preliminaries to the Boylston Prize speaking. The method of work pursued will be modeled on practical use as closely as possible. The first half hour of the recitation will be consumed in study and general criticism under the direction of Mr. Jones. The last half hour will be devoted to declamations by members of the class, followed by general criticism upon the declamations. There will also be sometime given to the study of gesticulation. As it is not allowed to the instructor - to give private instruction to competitors, this method of class study has been adopted. Mr. Jones advises as many members of the two upper classes to attend these recitations as possible, whether they desire to compete or not. The study will benefit all who attend, inasmuch as it will be adapted to all kinds of public speaking.
The recitations are voluntary, but those who find that the time arranged conflicts with recitations will be expected to cut the recitations rather than the elocutionary exercises, as the class will meet for so short a time.
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The Ninety-One Nine.