Appleton Chapel. Rev. Francis G. Peabody. 7.30 p.m. Rev. F. G. Pea-body will conduct week-day morning prayers until May 6.
19. MONDAY.English VI. Oral discussion. Opened by Messrs. Boyden and Gardner: Mr. Gladstone's bill for the government of Ireland. Sever 11, 3 p.m.
Semitic Seminary. Reader: Mr. John Orne. Subject: The Modern Arabic Press. No. 7 Lowell Street, 7.30 p.m.
20. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 p.m.
21. WEDNESDAY.English VI. Oral discussion. Opened by Messrs. Ayer and Frost: The character of John Brown. Sever 11, 3 p.m.
Divinity School Chapel. Conference. Subject: A Conservative Liberalism. 4 p.m.
Bowdoin Prize Dissertation. The Relation of Forests to rainfall and Water Supply. Mr. Samuel Atkins Eliot, Sever 6, 7.30 p.m.
Health and Strength. Open to all members of the University. Dr. Edwin Farnham. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.
22. THURSDAY.Board of Overseers. Adjourned meeting at No. 70 Water St., Boston, 11 a.m.
Physics. Lectures to freshmen. Prof. Lovering. Lecture-Room, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 12 m.
Mathematical Seminar. University 19, 4 p.m.
Latin Readings. Selected poems of Catullus. Professor Croswell. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.
Physical Seminar. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 28, 7.30 p.m.
Divinity School Chapel. Evening service, conducted by Mr. Rudolf Weyler, 7.30 p.m.
24. SATURDAY.Certain English Authors Considered as Masters of Style. Course for freshmen. Special subject: Samuel Richardson. Prof. A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 9 a.m.
FRENCH READINGS.The series of French Readings, begun earlier in the year, will be continued on the evenings of Tuesday, April 27, May 4 and May 11, as follows: April 27, August Valquerie, Jean Beaudry, translation, Professor Bocher. May 4, Victor Hugo, L' Expiation, reading, Assistant Professor Cohn.
SUNDAY EVENING CHAPEL SERVICE.Sunday evening services in Appleton Chapel will be resumed on April 18, when Rev. Francis G. Peabody will officiate. Rev. Philip S. Moxom of the First Baptist Church, Boston, will preach on Sunday evening, April 25.
LECTURES ON EMERGENCIES AND HYGIENE.A course of four lectures will be delivered in Sanders Theatre, under the auspices of the Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene Association, on the evenings of Tuesday, April 20, 27, May 4 and 11. The programme for these lectures is as follows:-
April 20. Dr. Minot. Hygiene.
April 27. Dr. Porter. First aid in cases of drowning, asphyxia, from gas, &c., in cases of apoplexy, epilepsy, shock, &c.
May 4. Dr. Cheever. First aid in cases of fractures, dislocations, &c., and bandaging.
May 11. Dr. M. H. Richardson. Hemorrage, burns, scalds, and frostbites.
ACADEMIC COUNCIL.The time of the spring meeting of the Academic Council is changed from the third Wednesday in April to the second Wednesday in May. It falls this year on May 12.
JUNIOR THEMES.The long theme will be due April 20.
SOPHOMORE THEMES.Theme X will be returned on Thursday, April 22, at 3 p.m. in Sever 5.
Theme XI will be due on Thursday, April 29. Subject: An Argument.
The double theme which may be substituted for themes X and XI will be due on Thursday, April 22. It should comprise both Exposition and Argument, and should be not less than ten pages long. Every one who has not yet given Mr. Clymer notice of his topic, is requested to do so at once.
Writers of sophomore themes will in future designate their themes not by their names, but by the numbers which they found written on the first theme.
Special attention is called to the fact that, by the regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted, unless the writer satisfies the Dean that his failure to present it at the appointed time was due to serious illness or unavoidable hindrance.
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