


The Hasty Pudding Club, following the custom of former years, devoted a portion of the vacation week to a trip to New York, where two performances of the theatricals were given for the benefit of the University Boat Club. Those who were to take part in the play met in the Albany Station on Sunday afternoon, and took possession of a special parlor car attached to the 4.30 New York express. The journey was made comfortably and without any marked incidents. On the arrival of the party at New York coaches were taken for the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where the club made its headquarters during its stay. The first performance was given on Monday evening, the 12th, in the theatre of the University Club. The auditorium was densely crowded, and the audience was a most appreciative one. The performance was successful, and exceedingly favorable comments on the play were printed in the Tribune, Sun, and Herald. The final performance was on the evening of Tuesday, the 13th. The play ran even more smoothly than on the previous evening, and almost every feature received an encore. On Wednesday the party left for Boston, via the Fall River Line. During the evening the club entertained the passengers on the steamer by singing on the after deck. The trip was a financial success, and was a most enjoyable affair for all concerned in it.
