The list of final examinations has been posted and is received with the usual comments, favorable or otherwise. The freshman looks upon this formidable list with hardly the awe which the mid-years inspired, yet there is far more of fate hidden in these cabalistic figures than the mid-years could possess. Aside from this, too, the freshman who gets through all his other examinations long before, will find a fatal trap for his detention in the Physics on the last day. In the position of this and the English C, that is, the junior English examinations, the faculty has shown its pristine fondness for keeping most of the students indurance vile, when they are eager to fly to far distant homes. The sophomores, however, are fortunate in having no general examination, so that many of them are at liberty a week or more before their more unfortunate brothers. But on the whole the document will be found as judiciously arranged as is possible under the circumstances, giving generally sufficient time between the examinations in allied groups, although this matter is not looked out for as carefully as it might be.
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Examinations Today.