The 'varsity crew are now at a training table.
The Bicycle Club will take a run this afternoon.
Williams College is said to contemplate the publication of a daily paper.
What's in a name? Y. M. C. A. in Springfield, O., stands for Young Men's Cockfighting Association.
The rooms of the Christian Brethren were crowded last evening by those who went to hear Dr. Brooks.
Duncan Edwards, captain of last year's Princeton nine, is playing second base on the Columbia team.
The Columbia men are very confident that their nine will be victorious over ours; the game comes off on May 27th.
Leavitt & Pierce have in their show window a litter of Scotch terrier pups which sell at the modest price of twenty dollars.
Mgr. Preston has a very able article in the current number of the Forum on the need of denominational Catholic Schools.
Prof. B. O. Peirce has recently published a book entitled, "Elements of the Theory of the Newtonian Potential Function."
A despatch from Chicago to yesterdays New York Times says that the father of Brooks, '89, who was recently burned in the Chemical Laboratory, is to sue the University for $50,000 damages.
At the Massachusetts Kennel Club's bench show April 6, 7, 8, Mr. Hallowell, '88, had the satisfaction of seeing his valuable liver and white spaniel "Toby" take a gold medal in his class.
According to the computation made by the mathematical editor of the Yale News, the league clubs will have to travel a distance of 91, 721 miles this summer in order to fulfill their schedule.
The Harvard Alumni of Cleveland held a banquet early this week. Messrs. J. L. Laughlin and J. G. Croswell, both of '73, were present. Others were G. B. Shepard, '85, J. H. McIntosh, '84, C. W. Baker, '84, and H. C. Bourne, '87.
At the meeting of the Executive committee of the H. A. A. last evening, E. A. Pease, '88, was elected captain of the 'varsity tug-of-war team. A plan for having new medals substituted for the old style was delayed for further consideration.
The lacrosse team played a practice game of three quarters of an hour with the Somerville team yesterday afternoon on Cambridge common. Score, Harvard 4 goals, Somerville 0. Both teams worked at a great disadvantage, owing to the grounds they were forced to play on, but the playing was sharp and interesting.
The following has been received from a member of the Society of Christian Brethren: "The statement in the CRIMSON yesterday that by request of the Overseers the Christian Brethren had taken a vote on the prayer question has no foundation. No communication has been received from the Overseers, and no vote has ever been taken by the society."
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