

There will be a meeting of the class of '84, Boston Latin School, at 12 Holyoke House on Thursday, April 15th, at 2 p.m.

S. F. MCCLEARY, Sec'y.H. U. B. B. C. Season tickets will be for sale at to-day's game and to-morrow (Friday) from two to four in 50 Weld. The prices will be $5.00 and $10.00. Subscribers who have paid their subscriptions must bring their receipts.

W. H. RAND, JR., Treas.CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY BULLETIN: The line of new tennis rackets for this season will arrive to day. Members will find the line a complete one. Every racket is warranted. The Society will soon offer a stock of all other tennis goods, base ball goods, (including all of Spalding's specialties) lacrosse sticks, hammocks, foot-balls and cricket goods.

Members are requested to leave orders for anything in the line of sporting goods, as it is intended to increase at once the business in this department.

HARVARD UNION. A question for the debate of April 29 will be selected from the following three herewith submitted:


1. Resolved, that Congress should speedily pass an International Copyright Bill.

2. Resolved, that the Darwinian Theory of Evolution is a Scientific mistake.

3. Resolved, that Compulsory Chapel be continued,
