

PIERIAN SODALITY. Rehearsal Friday evening. Full orchestra must be present at 7.30.

W. FORCHHEIMER.BICYCLE CLUB. There will be a short run next Friday afternoon, starting from University at 3.15.

E. H. ROGERS, Capt.PI ETA. Important rehearsal of chorus to-night, at 7.30. Full attendance necessary.

W. C. BURBANK.D. K. E. THEATRICALS. Those who took the part of Shepherdesses in the theatricals, may have their crooks as souvenirs if they will call for them at 27 Hilton Block, on Thursday, Friday or Saturday morning, between half past nine and ten. As there is one crook missing, the one who calls last will have no crook.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - A practice shoot will be held at the grounds in Watertown this afternoon (Thursday.) Next week a new series of matches will be opened to run for three weeks to be decided by the aggregates of the best two scores. Some of the best shots will probably be handicapped.


W. OAKES, Secretary.TENNIS ASSOCIATION. The tennis courts on Holmes and Jarvis fields are now ready for use. These courts are open to all members of the university, under the same condition as last year. There is no membership fee to join the association, but each player pays the man who collects on the field for the use of a court. The charge on the clay courts is 10 cents for each man, and on the turf courts 20 cents; except when four play, when it is 15 cents apiece. Nets can be had without extra charge by applying to the men who take care of the grounds.

