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The Advocate has made a timely suggestion which we would heartily second. Some means should be taken at once to do away with the present abominable "shack" system. It is as much as one's life is worth to try to escape from the army of small fiends who besiege the expectant tennis-player with cries of "Shack, mister," or "Say, mister, I'll shack yer fur fi' cents." Indeed, it it almost impossible to play on crowded Jarvis without "shacks" to watch the balls. It is admitted by one and all that this system is a very obnoxious one. It would be quite possible to erect at the back of some courts stop-nets, which would remove all necessity of hiring "shacks." The nets may be obtained at a very cheap rate in any fishing town. Perhaps, however, it would be better to put up wire netting which would last longer, and in the long run be more satisfactory. The posts need not be very expensive, and could be permanent. This plan would save much money to college men, and is worthy of serious consideration by the managers of the Tennis Association.
