
Fact and Rumor.

The lacrosse twelve will play the Somervilles to-day.

The inter-collegiate games will take place on May 29th.

The Exeter nine is to be a very strong one this year.

There will be an excursion in N. H. 5 to-morrow to Nahant.

The Glee Club will give a concert in Brookline this evening.


The Nation's correspondents are still wrangling over John Harvard.

The convention of editors of New England college papers has been proposed.

Professor Taussig delivered the lecture in Political Economy 1 yesterday.

J. S. Russell has been out rowing with the '87 crew during the past few days.

A number of men who were on the second freshman crew are now rowing on the first.

The freshmen are now rowing in their shell. It is the old '88 boat which was injured last year.

The New York State Intercollegiate association holds its annual spring games on May 26, at Utica.

The Princeton Tennis Club has applied for admission to the United States Lawn Tennis Association.

The dinner of the Boston Latin School alumni will occur Thursday evening. April 29. Ex-Attorney-General Charles Devens will preside.

Even college men are not free from the power of the Knights of Labor, if the report in regard to the orchestra for the Pudding theatricals is true.

Rev. Phillips Brooks will address the St. Paul's Society and the Society of Christian Brethren in the rooms of the latter at the Scientific School, this evening 7 o'clock.

It is reported from Yale that Coxe is putting the shot 38 feet, and that Shearman, '89 has already made a pole vault of 8 feet. It is claimed that they can both do better.

The annual races of the American Association of Amateur Oarsmen will take place on the Hudson during the Albany bi-centennial celebration the last week in July.

The committee appointed by the Overseers to discuss the chapel petitions have written to the Christian Brethren for their opinion as a body on the subject. The society voted in favor of the non-compulsory worship.

The dates of the examinations for second year and final honors in classics are posted. The examinations occur at 10 o'clock on May 15; at 9 and 2 on May 17, and at the dates of the annual examinations in Greek 3 and Latin 3.

The Athletics of Philadelphia defeated the Yale nine on April 5 by a score of 11 to 3. The Yale nine was made up as follows: Bremner, c. f.; Stagg, p.; Marsh, 1b.; Sheppard, l. f.; Brigham, r. f.; Stewart. 2 b.; Dann, c.; Cross, s. s.; Winston, 3 b.

The Harvard Union holds its regular debate this evening at 7.30 in Sever 11. The question to be discussed is, Resolved, that the Preservation of Constitutional Government requires the immediate Repeal of the Hoar Presidential Succession Bill. The principal disputants are, affirmative, P. L. Sternbergh, '87, R. B. Mahony, '88; negative, F. E. E. Hamilton, '87, Russell Duane, '88.
