
The Freshman Nine.

The candidates for the freshman nine show that there is much good material in the class to form an excellent team. There are twenty-six candidates, counting Henshaw, who is trying for change catcher on the 'varsity. Bingham is the most promising man for pitcher, and McPherson for change pitcher. Bingham has had much experience. His curve is better than the average. McPherson's best point is speed. For change catcher Young is a very good man. '89 seems extremely fortunate in having two such good men as she has for this important place. Raymond and McKay are also good men who are trying for this position. Hurley is a candidate for change pitcher. He is a strong batter. For first-base there are two candidates, McClellan and Shattuck. Both men are good, McClellan, however, seems to be the better man. Captain Morgan will play second base. He is a good batter in addition to his fielding abilities. Clark is considered the best man for short-stop. He is quick and throws well. The other candidates for this position are Kimball, Austin and Talbot. Weaver is likely to be made third baseman. He is a good man. Heaton is also trying for this place. There are several candidates for positions in the out-field. The most promising men are Pervere, Downer, who is a very strong batsman, Pillsbury, Shapleigh and Hunneman. These men, as a rule, are also fair batsmen. Among the other candidates, the following are worthy of notice: Munro, Marvin, Cabot, Woodbury, Slattery and Lee.

On the whole, everything seems to be tending to a good freshman nine. The men are thoroughly imbued with a spirit of work and are regular in their attendance at exercise. On Thursdays and Saturday's the men play hand ball in the cage in squads of four, and bat the sand bags. On the other week days the chest weights and dumb bells are used. On Wednesdays all the candidates take a long walk. Every day a fast quarter mile is taken on the track in the gymnasium.

It is a long time since the freshmen have won the series from Yale, and it behooves every man on the freshman nine to do his best, and there is but little doubt that work in the end will tell and that the games will be won from Yale without any hitch in regard to the letter of the challenge as there was last year.
