About twenty men attended the matches held at Watertown yesterday. Although the weather was not as favorable as that of last week, some excellent scores were made. The shooting in the different matches was as follows:
Match A., (doubles). - Palmer, first; F. B. Austin and Clyde second; Slocum, Meade and Fredrickson, third.
Match B., (5 angles). - Meade, first; Slocum, Clyde, W. F. Austin and Palmer, second; Oakes, F. B. Austin, W. Austin, third.
Match C., (freshmen). - Walsh, first; Greene and Grew, second; McKay, third.
Practice. - Slocum, Palmer and Mead, first; Clyde, second; F. B. Austin, third.
This was the second shoot of the present series. The third and decisive one comes off next Wednesday afternoon.
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