The adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers was held at 70 Water St., Boston, yesterday morning, Hon. E. Rockwood Hoar in the chair. The business of the meeting consisted entirely in hearing and appointing committees. The committee on reports and resolutions recommended that the report of the committee on the botanic garden and herbarium be printed. The same committee also returned the report of the committee on the library, and recommended the appointment of a committee of five to take into consideration the petitions for voluntary attendance at morning prayers, from the Law School, the O. K. Society, and the members of the college, and the whole subject of the religious needs and interests of the university, and to recommend measures that may seem to them proper and desirable. The gentlemen appointed on the committee were, John Lowell, L. L. D., (chairman), Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D., Charles W. Eliot, L. L. D., president of the university, Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D., L. L. D., and Robert M. Morse, A. B.
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