ART CLUB. - There will be a meeting of the club this evening at half past seven. Mr. Fowler will deliver a lecture on the Parthenon.
A. H. VOGEL, Pres.SHAKSPERE CLUB. All of the Shakspere Club are requested to be present at the distribution of tickets to Mr. Howard's lecture in the room of Mr. Jones, 20 Holworthy, this morning, at 9.30.
GLEE CLUB AND PIERIAN ASSOCIATION. There will be an important business meeting of the combined societies at 5.15 Friday afternoon.
E. R. SHIPPEN,President pro tem.Ushers at the Symphony Concert to-night must be in Sanders at 7.45. Those who are unable to fill their positions will please report to me.
E. R. SHIPPEN, 14 G.
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