EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - It must have struck some of the auditors of Mr. Lodge on Tuesday night that he of all men was least capable of giving conscientious advice upon political life for young men; and his semi-apologetic utterances on that evening tended to strengthen that belief. Mr. Lodge, brilliant and able man as he is, was unable to follow what he calls the "path of principle," when brought face to face with it two years ago. An earnest opponent of Mr. Blaine, he went to Chicago avowedly to oppose that gentleman's methods and personality, and as the champion of reform and pure government. When he was defeated, he turned to the right about, and supported zealously the very man he had been describing the day before as unprincipled and corrupt. I am sorry that Mr. Lodge could have given us no other advice than that the doctrine of expediency should be our rule of life, and that the devil should always be fought with fire. If Mr. Lodge will read the history of the Anti-Slavery contest, which he is so fond of quoting, he cannot discover one apology for evil, or one compromise with evil men and methods made by any one of the little band of Abolitionists; and no one can dispute their great and lasting success.
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